Friday 25 April 2008

Secret Despair (Poem)

It wasn’t possible to narrate my state,
My sweetheart was fuming, sad and irate.
Couldn’t concentrate, could do no vocation,
Totally gloomy, with no reason for elation,
Emotions glued with strange obsession,
What was his reason for such huge depression?
Dismal enough for the rest of the day,
My heart grew heavy, much heavier to weigh!

However I approached, I got no reason,
About my beloved going overcast, this season,
Answers I got were being dim and dull,
Dearest was bleak and that made me to mull.
Tried to know what closely went wrong,
After all, it is me and to him I belong.
What could be the cause for being so murky?
He was a human in any case, unlike a turkey!

I was the reason for his secret despair,
This I found without hearing a single swear.
Although I was unaware about what it was,
He finally spoke, other men being the cause.
Though it surprised me how he thought,
Possessiveness in relationship is always sought.
To know how it felt, me in his shoes,
Was enough to realize, the sting of the bruise!