Friday 19 October 2007

Poem 1 - Talentless (Poem)

How sad it feels, how dull it looks,
When I see talents described in books,
I wish I had the “talents” as they say,
Would that not be perfect for a day?
Singing, Dancing, or be it painting,
I have no talent from which I am gaining.
What inscrutable they say I am,
“She has no talent, give her a damn”.

The neighbor next street paints so well,
But I know nothing from where I dwell.
Amazing among athletes was my best friend,
I too wished if ever my legs could bend!
As a child, whether at study or at play,
I was an anguish placed in an array.
Mathematics witnessed my shocking flair,
It said “round was a circle and not a square!”

“She is a fright, neither cooks nor sings!
Is she a girl, she knows none of these things!”
This is what my folks keep saying,
They are right, as I am so dismaying!
Foxtrot, Salsa, Rumba, or jazz,
I have no talent which everyone else has!
I wish my legs would tap to the tranquil beats,
At least before my life completes!


Unknown said...

Shows the true feeling of a person who feels that he is talentless. Almost all of us would have felt the same at point or the other. Welldone.

S 4 Sandeep said...

Vintage Aarti :)

Jeetendra Yaduvanshi said...
