Monday 21 July 2008

Mphasis, an EDS sudden shift from Indorion...

Yeah…. True… it’s been a real long time… I cannot tell you how many dramatic changes actually happened all this while…. :)
So let me start with my CEO announcing that there is some financial crisis and the instability of our Bangalore office. I was thinking, I must find a job in a week’s time, before anything practically goes wrong! I started uploading my resume in all job portals and just hoped for the best… Nothing happened much except for a few calls from the consultants saying that there was a vacancy; somewhere here and somewhere there… blah blah… however, I was not getting “MY-STUFF” ….
And then it was almost 8 days later, I got a call from Mpahsis…. And guess what??!! ??.... I am in Mpahsis now… I was through, the very day I gave my interview…Today my second week began… The training is still going on… Would be for another 4 days….
I am now a Senior Solution Content Developer … and I would be all into responding the RFPs and RFIs….. I am unsure about how exciting I must behave….BUT…….That sounds quite interesting at the moment… :)
I would continue my blogging again.. :)