Monday 21 July 2008

Mphasis, an EDS sudden shift from Indorion...

Yeah…. True… it’s been a real long time… I cannot tell you how many dramatic changes actually happened all this while…. :)
So let me start with my CEO announcing that there is some financial crisis and the instability of our Bangalore office. I was thinking, I must find a job in a week’s time, before anything practically goes wrong! I started uploading my resume in all job portals and just hoped for the best… Nothing happened much except for a few calls from the consultants saying that there was a vacancy; somewhere here and somewhere there… blah blah… however, I was not getting “MY-STUFF” ….
And then it was almost 8 days later, I got a call from Mpahsis…. And guess what??!! ??.... I am in Mpahsis now… I was through, the very day I gave my interview…Today my second week began… The training is still going on… Would be for another 4 days….
I am now a Senior Solution Content Developer … and I would be all into responding the RFPs and RFIs….. I am unsure about how exciting I must behave….BUT…….That sounds quite interesting at the moment… :)
I would continue my blogging again.. :)


Anonymous said...

Hey, happened to read your poems. Amazing, is all I can come up with. I, liked " talentless", a lot. Thought, the title was pretty funny, considering the content is so contrary, to the title. Keep writing. We need more such bursts of creativity, to ensure we do not become automatons, stuck in our monotonous IT jobs. Good job.

2emkay said...

Hey is the Aarti Kamath of LRIS? Who asked Lali madam to start commerce specialization for 12th in the BEE HIVE>>??

Well If your then am Madan, classmate. hope you rememeber me!!!