Friday 19 October 2007

Reckless Driving (Poem)

Tall and dark was he, and so was his youth,
Hardly eighteen, but that was the truth.
Power and fame was all he was striving,
And to top it all, he just learnt driving.
Loved those fast cars and breaking speed,
But had the control thus never did bleed.
Caught by the radar, caught by the cop,
He paid them ransom, but never did stop.
This reckless driving reached the height,
Until one fine day, he was overtaken at night.
Story so far was the usual theme,
Except that the cop took a different scheme.
The chap was cool, did not bat an eye-lid,
He was famous, powerful, one rich kid.
The cop took out his pad and started to jot,
What a ticket, he wrote more than lot!
The gentleman assumed it some kind of joke,
As the cop went writing and no one spoke.
“Is this a ticket? “; thought the man,
As the cop’s note went on since it ever began!

The reckless driver began to read,
Found it wasn’t a ticket but a friendly ‘plead’.
“I had a daughter, lovely and aged six,
She was killed by a car, which was speeding kicks.
This speeding driver was fined and jailed.
Three months were done, he came out bailed!
Out of jail to meet his wife and three daughters,
He hugged them tight remembering his slaughter.
He had three daughters but I had one,
To hug them he waited 3 months out of sun!
I wish I could hug my daughter too,
No matter however long life went through!
I tried to forgive the man, and I still do,
All I have left now is my son among the two.
Pray for me and pray for yourself,
Life gives no second chance, never send s an Elf”
With this inspiring note the cop started to leave,
Tears in his eyes, the driver began to grieve.
Life taught him a lesson, never again to speed,
Mankind is a journey with great emotions to feed.


Unknown said...

Aarti does it again . . . a poem that shud be made necessary for every rash driver to read before they give him the licence to kill

Vivek Kulshreshtha said...

What a rhythm� that cool.
Hey' nice one.

Unknown said...

Awesome Aarthi... Not only rhythmic, but has great meaning too. Good work. Keep it up!!!

Unknown said...

Not bad Aarthi...!!never expected tat u wud be such a gud Poet..too gud....:-)

S 4 Sandeep said...

Compassionate Poetess :)