Thursday 12 June 2008

Gist..... before I landed with the Geeks

I don’t understand what essentially inspired me to start blogging! This is my second continuous post if you keep an eye on the date and time.

I would launch myself considering the time I stopped writing diary actively, that is, when I was doing my B.C.A. It was because of quite a few reasons, which are frivolous and most prominently I can’t recollect any!

After my 12th Standard, I wanted to pursue law, which I knew and felt I would be good at, however, things dint go that way! There wasn’t any law college within the proximity of40 kilometers and moreover my folks felt that law doesn’t practically yield a successful career instantly! Even though I fancied being a lawyer, I gave it a second thought because; I forever dreamt big and wanted to be in some flourishing line of business straight away! To complement my thinking, we saw the IT sector often had sudden booms. This finally facilitated me to land up with the IT geeks! I started off with my Bachelor’s of Computer Application (B.C.A) degree education and could complete it with a distinction grade from the university. Before I could complete my final semester, I got campus recruited with Infosys and I thought this was a novel commencement of my new life!


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