Friday 13 June 2008

Inflation....... Know where you stand!

The petrol prices are rising apparently and so is almost every petite thing! Vegetables, groceries, services etc are costing everyone nothing less than miniscule fortunes. Especially if you are blessed to live in cities like Bangalore, God save you guys! It is noticeable that Petrol is almost 60 bucks a liter and the government has some witty ways to justify that! But how would you justify 60 bucks for a 200ml coffee at Café Coffee Day or rather 175 bucks for 100ml Old Spice after-shave lotion? Now you can calculate the price per liter. ???!!!!!!?????And we (Generation-Y) spend on these things without complaining! God knows how the Dollar rate fluctuation would make a difference if there is no one to keep a check on the internal inflation factor!

Recession time in IT companies mean no hike and sometimes even delay in salaries. I read in the news paper that the current inflation is about 9%! Well, even if you were happy about the 10% hike you got this year, it is high time you consider it as 1%. The remaining 9% has been contributed to the inflation factor, you see! If you got a 5-8% hike (being in one of the Indian MNCs), then you could very well say that your salary has been shrunk nearly 1-4% (inflation being almost 9%)!

God forbid, if your Company has decided NO HIKE this year!!!! :D