Monday 8 December 2008

Monday 21 July 2008

Mphasis, an EDS sudden shift from Indorion...

Yeah…. True… it’s been a real long time… I cannot tell you how many dramatic changes actually happened all this while…. :)
So let me start with my CEO announcing that there is some financial crisis and the instability of our Bangalore office. I was thinking, I must find a job in a week’s time, before anything practically goes wrong! I started uploading my resume in all job portals and just hoped for the best… Nothing happened much except for a few calls from the consultants saying that there was a vacancy; somewhere here and somewhere there… blah blah… however, I was not getting “MY-STUFF” ….
And then it was almost 8 days later, I got a call from Mpahsis…. And guess what??!! ??.... I am in Mpahsis now… I was through, the very day I gave my interview…Today my second week began… The training is still going on… Would be for another 4 days….
I am now a Senior Solution Content Developer … and I would be all into responding the RFPs and RFIs….. I am unsure about how exciting I must behave….BUT…….That sounds quite interesting at the moment… :)
I would continue my blogging again.. :)

Tuesday 17 June 2008

AIRTEL Inconveniences; review !

In the past few weeks I have had dreadful experience with the AIRTEL’s customer service. Well, at the outset, I would like to make an honest mention. AIRTEL guys have excellent network coverage in Karnataka and no doubt they stand tall at this. However, their customer service and etiquette is more than a complete fiasco. On the other hand, VODAFONE might not have network coverage as good as AIRTEL, but they have made up with their simply marvelous customer service.

I am an AIRTEL customer since the beginning and I have never had any complaints with them until a few days back when my fiancĂ© wanted to have a connection transferred on to his name (which was in his cousin’s name). This is indeed a simple request as supposed to be termed by AIRTEL. We happened to go to the KORMANGALA AIRTEL showroom, Bangalore and we got pitiable and dejected service to our mystification. The manager was inexcusable. The lady hardly bothered about any genuine queries and she implied and reminded us at every instance that we are free to chose another provider if we were not satisfied.

However, in spite of the desolate day at the showroom, we dint have our theme resolved even after 2 weeks (we were promised less than 72 hours).
Finally, we called off to rescind this AIRTEL mobile connection after more than a month of aggravation and frustration.

I would like to make a short mention of the extreme conditions/stipulations I faced with AIRTEL. I am very displeased and dejected for the following:

* PATHETIC, wretched and desolate service provided to us at your Kormanagala AIRTEL outlet, 4th block. The manager, being at dreadful and terrible service! (You need to decide how your service would progress if the manager is not interested in customers). There was no sense of apology manifested, even if it was AIRTEL’s mistake!
* AIRTEL’s distorted information provided by the executives and managers in the call centers and showroom outlets.
* Inconsistency prevailing among Call centre and Showroom information!
* Lack of time-sense. (Your 72 hours habitually turns to be 100+ hours)
* Lack of intimation to the customers about their request/order status.

These things must be restored and mended if AIRETL hopes and wishes for a flourishing business and so that they don’t lose more customers like this simply because of their inadequacy!

Friday 13 June 2008

Inflation....... Know where you stand!

The petrol prices are rising apparently and so is almost every petite thing! Vegetables, groceries, services etc are costing everyone nothing less than miniscule fortunes. Especially if you are blessed to live in cities like Bangalore, God save you guys! It is noticeable that Petrol is almost 60 bucks a liter and the government has some witty ways to justify that! But how would you justify 60 bucks for a 200ml coffee at Café Coffee Day or rather 175 bucks for 100ml Old Spice after-shave lotion? Now you can calculate the price per liter. ???!!!!!!?????And we (Generation-Y) spend on these things without complaining! God knows how the Dollar rate fluctuation would make a difference if there is no one to keep a check on the internal inflation factor!

Recession time in IT companies mean no hike and sometimes even delay in salaries. I read in the news paper that the current inflation is about 9%! Well, even if you were happy about the 10% hike you got this year, it is high time you consider it as 1%. The remaining 9% has been contributed to the inflation factor, you see! If you got a 5-8% hike (being in one of the Indian MNCs), then you could very well say that your salary has been shrunk nearly 1-4% (inflation being almost 9%)!

God forbid, if your Company has decided NO HIKE this year!!!! :D

Thursday 12 June 2008

Reason for success......... LITTLE ROCK INDIAN SCHOOL !

I happened to get a chance to study in one of the finest and handpicked schools of Karnataka. I don’t know how many in Bangalore have even heard of its name, but it is a president-award winning school affiliated to the CBSE syllabus. Yes, if you think you know it then it is LITTLE ROCK INDIAN SCHOOL (LRIS).

There were excellent teachers here and I have forgotten none yet! I joined this school in 1995 and since then I know all my teachers by face and names. Though I am not sentient if they are still teaching in LRIS, I know them for having taught me my subjects. Dr. Mr. Abraham, the Founder, is such a gentleman and you need to meet him to appreciate this fact! He considers children to be his sole assets and that is the very reason why LRIS is a success today! Mr. Mathew C Ninan, the Principal and his wife Mrs. Lali A Mathew, the Vice Principal, are nothing less than role models for people who consider themselves as high fliers or go-getters.

Not many of them are aware about this school as the school is not positioned in any city! Though it is internationally recognized, it is located in Brahmavar, Udupi district, Karnataka. Being in Bangalore, I have seen many schools and none of them I found was worth comparing to LRIS. I am always gratified to the circumstances which made me an alumnus of LRIS. Whatever I am today and for the accomplishments which have come my way, I would like to pay a tribute to my school. It was only because of this school, that I have that buoyancy in myself. My achievements are nothing but a product of this school’s competence!

(It is just over 5 30 PM IST, and I am at my desk. However, I don’t know what compelled me to jot down about my school in midst of work…………)

Corresponding Dates and Places....... they are significant you see!

(Mumbai was supposed to be a city of dreams for people in the seventies and thee eighties! Everyone imagined themselves to be a part of this city and the population then!)

I was born in Mumbai; then known as Bombay! It was the December of 1984, the month that marked the end of that year! Well, no wonder Mumbai was the most sought after cities in the eighties! I stayed here at my mom’s sister’s place along with her parents (my grandparents). I was raised here till 1995.

My parents and brother (a year elder to me) were initially in Mangalore and then my dad got transferred to Delhi in 1992. In 1995, I went to Delhi and since then I started staying with my parents. The same year my dad was transferred to Manipal, Karnataka and we happened to stay at a place little away from Udupi namely Koteswar. From 1995 to 2005, I stayed here, where we also have our own residence. My education here started off with the CBSE syllabus and ended with a degree in Computer Application.

(Udupi is a petite temple town; essentially a district now. It is clean and well maintained and has 100% literacy rate. It often stands at the top with the academic results among all other districts of Karnataka. I am glad to have studied here contributing my part to it!)

I was Campus recruited with Infosys, Bangalore in Jan 2005. After I completed B.C.A in May, I joined their Bangalore office in June 2005.

(Bangalore has been a wonderful place for the IT professionals all the while. This is indeed a very promising city and you can rest assured that you would never remain unemployed here, especially if you know ……..what they call “computers”!)

Now it is June 2008 and I am still here in Bangalore!

Gist..... before I landed with the Geeks

I don’t understand what essentially inspired me to start blogging! This is my second continuous post if you keep an eye on the date and time.

I would launch myself considering the time I stopped writing diary actively, that is, when I was doing my B.C.A. It was because of quite a few reasons, which are frivolous and most prominently I can’t recollect any!

After my 12th Standard, I wanted to pursue law, which I knew and felt I would be good at, however, things dint go that way! There wasn’t any law college within the proximity of40 kilometers and moreover my folks felt that law doesn’t practically yield a successful career instantly! Even though I fancied being a lawyer, I gave it a second thought because; I forever dreamt big and wanted to be in some flourishing line of business straight away! To complement my thinking, we saw the IT sector often had sudden booms. This finally facilitated me to land up with the IT geeks! I started off with my Bachelor’s of Computer Application (B.C.A) degree education and could complete it with a distinction grade from the university. Before I could complete my final semester, I got campus recruited with Infosys and I thought this was a novel commencement of my new life!
