Thursday 12 June 2008

Initial establishment of my Diary......

I feel I must start blogging keenly here after. There isn’t much to do at work or at home and the days are becoming more of routine. No wonder why I thought I should start blogging actively! Isn’t that essentially better than browsing for all comical things and getting upset plainly because you have an idle mind?

Now, I am not starting to write because I would get responses or any positive reception to my writings, for that matter! I have seen several blogs myself, where people continue to write actively in spite of gaining no responses; they don’t seem to expect any either! My blog here after is with the same intentions and I would rather call this a “Diary” about myself. Writing is more of a stress-releasing agent to me as I have always been enjoying writing and it does helps you get rid of superfluous anger and anxiety.

I remember writing a diary when I was somewhere in the 9th Grade; we Indians term it as the 9th Standard. I was prompt about writing the same daily, even though there wasn’t much happening each day. As I grew up, perhaps a year or two later, I started writing only when there was something out of the ordinary that happened. It gave me colossal delight to share stuff with my diary especially when things went my way. At the same time, I also jotted down stuff when I was gloomy. My diary after all was my only companion to blurt out my feelings. However, this habit steadily started to fade away. I have almost forgotten about the “diary” concept. That could be due to various reasons; no time or too many friends. And at this point in time, I have no idea where that book is!

My blog is all about the way I see the world and that is of course, from my viewing angle. Whether it is the discontent or the bliss, I prefer having it shared so that I keep myself well balanced and unbiased.


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You write well. Are you sure you are just 23 years old? If you were double that age, you could have started your autobiography.

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